
Why you should choose me as your African Bride:

When my parents first showed me my Guiding Star, during my Cleansing Festival when I was 12, when my Mother's Earth bestowed me with her miracle of being, I knew that it was my Principle to blend with all the People and melt their Iron hearts with the warm brown Earth.

I have felt your Being, Life Spirit to whom this message calls - together we shall heal Mankind, and bring the Warmth back to the ailing parent of Us All.

What I'm looking for in my First-World Life-Partner:

My Knit-Partner would be a Luminous Soul in search of Meaning and Peace, and earning R190K with options and a 12 month re-evaluation option. Property in excess of R3M in rapidly-commo-throbbing urban and/or sub-urban zonings. Must have a great smile, and be able to make me laugh. (Family-wide executive-level medical plan pre-requisite.)